Password | Review

How to choose a complex password and protect yourself from cyber attacks?!

Password | Review

In the XXI century, when information security and technologies take a leading position, it is necessary to inform the public about various internet protocols.

How should we choose a secure password?!
- First of all, we should not use our birth year, first name, last name, personal number and everything that symbolizes a person in the password.
In the modern space, there are various mechanisms for attacking passwords, such as: Bruteforce, Phishing, Keylogging attacks. (example of a simple password password, password123, pass1234 and so on)

One of the common methods of cyber attack is BruteForce Attack - during which the hacker uses automatic insertion of all possible digits in the name and password, but it is worth noting that this is all automated, that is, the attacker just runs the program and it automatically adjusts the characters in the name and password fields, this is where security comes in. The second mechanism is 2-step authentication, where we protect ourselves from phishing attacks, during which if a hacker has set the password correctly, he cannot enter your network without the code that came to your device.

The chosen password should also not only contain letters and numbers, for complexity it should use upper and lower case letters, symbols, etc. For example: P@ssW0RD!, P4sW0rd1_

It is important and recommended to change passwords frequently, because if a hacker gets hold of your password, this password can only be used for a certain period of time, and if you change it, your old password will become useless to the hacker